Friday 5 August 2011

August 2011 Energy Forecast: Rising Pressure, Rising Peace.....

There is no more 'trying' needed in you or in our world. In terms of the changes we are in, we have now reached the 'simply surrender' point of 2011. 

Surrendering to 'what is' can be an almighty challenge if what is happening in and around you does not feel or seem good. So if you find yourself moving through emotions to do with the past, bring yourself to the present when you can, as best you can. 

Focusing yourself on the power of positive intention and prayer for the now and the future, will also help lift you this month. Grief will wash through people in greater waves than we have yet seen in 2011. Much of this is karmic, with old memories of fear/destruction rising to the surface in peoples dreams, both at night and in daydreams. The old density of thought and feeling is leaving us. Just allow the release, recognise the intensity of our times, and nurture and soothe yourself as best you can through these moments.

Our world is shifting - literally, metaphorically, energetically. The pressure is rising and everyone can feel it. Many of you will have felt this rising emotional intensity since the middle of July, and as we move through August, it is expected to keep building until the 3rd or 4th week of the month. At that point there will be a release of the pressure. Until then, expect a continuance of certain 'death' symptoms of your old life as we and you move into the new one.

Confusion, boredom, anguish, worry, frustration, apathy. These are all symptoms moving through and they are moving through everyone at different times. When fear reaches a fever pitch in people, strange events will start to occur. Some will act out, at you or at others. For if they are not able to find peace in themselves, and they cannot or do not choose to transmute the emotion through themselves, it will ricochet.

In the 2011 Year of Illumination message and video, delivered in January, August was mentioned as the second of 3 gateway months this year (March being the first, November the third).

I have been feeling an energy rising around August for a while now. I have gone through many wide and varied emotions in myself for myself, feeling the energy of our world and the shifting ground beneath our feet. In every scenario, surrender is the only place to come back to, to find peace.

So surrender this month. Life is changing faster than many can keep up with, and challenges are rising and will continue to do so.

Remember we are a waking planet, and sometimes when you wake up, you do not feel prepared for the day ahead of you. As souls in the human body having a human experience, this was the period we signed up for. The key is breathing your way through your release moments, and allowing yourself to keep rebalancing in your spirit. Focusing on this will clear you faster than focusing on the fear.

Humans on their deathbed are only concerned with love. Resolving love with those they maybe had conflict with, or resolving inside themselves places where they didn't allow their hearts to open.

There has never been a more potent month than August for us to open our hearts and minds to others, and surrender to what is. Life is not promised to us, and at any moment, we can go.

Enjoy every moment, and hold an intention for a bright universal future.

This is the time.

One people. One heart. One love.

In peace and love to all


  1. this makes perfect sense to me. thank you. i needed to hear this.

  2. This is so beautiful and it makes perfect sence to me regarding what I have been going through. It's the toughest challenges I have ever been through. Starting middle of July I have been just letting everthing go and I mean everything, reaaly surrendering to what is. Thank you so much Lee for writing these :)<3 Sharon

  3. Thanks so much, Lee. My dreams have been very alive with the "old" of late. I am blessed and buoyed by your message that it's all part of the process!

  4. Wonderful and feels right. No more trying...just allowing.

    Stefanie Finn

  5. Dear Lee,
    thank You so much:) You speak so clear and with clear visions :) I my divine heart, this is what I have been waiting for... As a feel, August is the month of balancing the maskuline and feminine into oneness (in a big way) - finaly :)August - "The Divine Golden Month" of the 12. Ray :) And is seems in the same wave - all around me the master numbers 11-22-33. Smiling in Gratitude :) Thank You so much Dear Lee. Blessings from Linda in Norway :o) (

  6. Thankyou Lee! Any chance of getting these out for us right at the start of the month? I look forward to the guidance and support they provide. "Rising pressure" - well now that immediately explained my first week of August!!
    When I read the line "sometimes when you wake up, you do not feel prepared for the day ahead of you", I got an immediate answer that I would like to share as someone else may find it helpful too - "SING!".
    Blessings (and songs),

  7. Loving intelligence <3

  8. This is just what I needed to hear, thank you!

  9. Wow!! Lee I can sooooo relate to that. I've had a week of frustation, and have acted out in the corporate world in which I currently work. I've kicked ass big time....standing up for what I feel I deserve, better & THE best!

    All makes sense. I send love to myself, your readers, planet Earth, all sentient beings and you!!

    With love & appreciation. Helen xxxxxx

  10. This is cool... makes so much sense... ur predictions and the Illuminations video have helped me to get thru this year so far with more understanding, empathy, grace and ease than otherwise expected from such times. thank you for broadening our vision.

    with love and gratitude,

  11. Thank you! Your energy updates always hit the spot and this one is no different.

    Surrender, surrender, surrender, yes it's the only thing that works right now.

  12. Sure feeling it Lee .. thanks for helping me to understand what is going on .. anguish definitely .. 'the key is breathing your way through your release moments'.. just breattthhhheeeeeee .. love it!:))

  13. I feel as if we are being warned of something in this message. I copied the parts that seem to stick out below. Did anyone else get that from this message??

    Grief will wash through people in greater waves than we have yet seen in 2011.
    Until then, expect a continuance of certain 'death' symptoms of your old life as we and you move into the new one.
    When fear reaches a fever pitch in people, strange events will start to occur.
    Humans on their deathbed are only concerned with love.
    Life is not promised to us, and at any moment, we can go.

  14. Yes, Carolyn, I definitely picked up on that too! Had to take my Rescue Remedy several times while reading the forecast. I live in California and feel that being on the Ring of Fire, chances are it's our turn next for a major earthquake soon. We've been fearing this for YEARS and the suspense of it happening is at times almost too much. Ready for it just to happen already!

    I"ve been playing my ukulele ALOT these days. Nothing like it to bring one out of fear. Such a joyful little instrument that ANYONE can learn to play! :)

    Love and blessings to all. And thanks to you Lee. Your words always helps me to see things from a bigger perspective.

    Donna Ann

  15. Lee ~ I so agree LOL
    Yes and with the surrender, letting go of what is not serving anymore.
    Then faith faith faith...and some more of that!
    Regards all the challenges ~ Life is good and exciting and I am honored and happy to be here.
    Love, light and lightness
    D xox

  16. Lee, thank you for this post. The karma of grief is something I have experienced much of this past month. Being aware of what was happening allowed me to move through it and get rebalanced quickly. It's not easy to do, but we must all remember your words: "The key is breathing your way through your release moments, and allowing yourself to keep rebalancing in your spirit. Focusing on this will clear you faster than focusing on the fear." And also "hold an intention for a bright universal future." I am doing both as this is what we are here to do during these times. Loved you on Crimson Circle today.

  17. Hi Lee, I so appreciate your monthly forecasts. Its very comforting to feel the connection between your words and the events unfolding in my life. At times the intensity it sooo high, and challenging, then others it's total bliss. Hearing from you and the others comments here is a wonderful reminder that even in the strangest of times and feelings, there is something very very good going on. All is well :)

  18. Your words have touched me at such a deep level...My brother passed away in July and I am experiencing grief on a level I've never known before now. While this is my personal experience I feel your words speak to the whole as well. I am moved beyond words. Thank you for the gentle reminder to surrender to what is.

  19. I return over and over again to your words and feelings as extremes of emotions continue to wash over me. Immense strength and trust fill me each time. My deepest gratitude for the gift of your work to assist each of us in this reality of Love and its manifestation. blessings. Content, peaceful ease of well being, free.

  20. I feel that I am one of the ones holding the positive thoughts, like a pulsating light energy, or the reins of a horse...continually moving forward in a positive steady and purposeful direction...glad you pointed that out in the you-tube video.

  21. Namaste, Everyone; thank you for your affirmations, as always. I am at peace because I am not alone in these waves of similar encounters ~

  22. Gratitude for helping me to center on love, light and connection to ALL. I am breathing into it.

  23. Yes, thank you for your wonderful insights! A pleasure to read!
