
Saturday 1 December 2012

December Energy Forecast - The Days Before The Day...

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Transcribed from Lee’s Video Message

Hi everyone and welcome to the December Energy Forecast for 2012.

Given all of the eclipse and solar flare energy recently some of you, like myself, will have felt like you’re walking around wrapped in a duvet on certain days for no apparent reason.

So I just want to invite all of you to exhale with me at the beginning of this video…ahhh.

This is the auspicious month that so many of us, including what many might call ‘non-spiritual’ people, (if there is such a thing) have focused on - December 21st 2012.

So the release this month from the human psyche will be palpable. Because as we get closer to that date and then move beyond that date, a great deal of junk, for want of a better term, is going to release from our human psyches.

The interesting aspect around December 2012 predictions, is that they illustrate the diversity of our planet. There are so many different opinions and ideas about what will happen this month, within scientific communities, within philosophy communities, within intuitive communities.

One of the interesting things experienced during the recent US Presidential election was not so much what people thought of government or whether or not those two candidates were the best representation - it was more the great diversity of public opinion that got truly revealed for all of us to see.

So in your own internal processes in these last weeks, months and years, that diversity for those of you who are doing the inward work or surrendering to the inward impulses that you’re getting from external catalysts, you’ll have noticed so much diversity appearing within yourself.

There are a couple of reasons for this. Number one is because the old paradigm is being released from us, (emergency sirens heard in the background) the sirens indicating something pertinent maybe coming through in these words. The old paradigm is being released from us, so as it gets released we release the parts of ourselves internally that were holding on to it.

I gave an analogy a couple of months ago about divorce and the divorce process. In divorce, there is the focus that you have on the external relationship that you were having with somebody, and then when you truly get into the work of what we call divorce and separation from somebody, you meet all of the internal processes for yourself.

So, some of the things that I’ve mentioned this year over the past 12 months are symptoms that are now rapidly rotating for people. Some of you might just be coming into them and the rest of you will be quite deep into the process of knowing what it’s like to suddenly feel emotional or feel grief for no reason. Or to have a dream overnight (or in the middle of the day) where an image or a memory comes to you of a situation in your life either exactly as the situation was, or more likely now you will see the situation replayed from a higher perspective.

So for example, if you had a very difficult situation in your childhood and you bring that memory back to you, you will have that experience replayed through a higher-self filter so that you can look at it very differently, as now you feel very differently about it.

I’m not a scientist, so to research solar flares you would be best to see some of the opinions out there from scientists; which you can find many of on the internet and then see which ones resonate.

But one of the things that I read just a few days ago (that I had understood from an energetic standpoint rather than a scientific standpoint in observing what was going on for us as a people) is that the solar flares that we’re experiencing from this beautiful, beautiful beast above us (Lee points up to the sun) – what they actually do, is to awaken all of our cells.

So much in the same way as when you emotionally and spiritually awaken, you tend to clear out the old beliefs, the old feelings so that you can bring more light and more presence and more expansion into you, so too have the solar flares been catalyzing this process faster than before.

So depending on where you are in the process, you’re either going to feel elated or in a difficult place or, more commonly for most of you in the last month or two, there is going to be sense of almost floating above the Earth at times, where you question who you are, what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, perhaps experiencing apathy or bewilderment.

The thing to do, to the best of your ability, is carry on regardless where it feels you can carry on. Because it’s not so much always going to be the case that the things that you’re doing aren’t the right things, it’s just that now you’re going to approach them in a very different way.

One of the great programmings that we have been given in the Western culture is this idea of external attainment and external achievement. So many of us were taught - get married, get a mortgage, get a job, get financial success. For some of you it might have meant doing something of some meaning to you or more, to the people around you. For example, it might have been having children because that meant something to your family because they wanted you to have children.

And in this past year faster than ever, (and this is different for those people who’ve maybe been on this journey for many decades), there has been a greater forced push on and for and within all of us to take this new journey and to discover who we really are inside.

If I were to ask you right now who you are, who are you?

If your answer is very defined, so you might say ‘I’m a mother’ for example…., then there is a lot of room still to be found for you in an answer like this. If your answer is, ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I am everything’, that’s more the kind of the paradigm that we’re now moving into.

So more and more people are beginning to check out their own internal impulses, as people are now making that change from ‘I must get married to feel good’ or ‘I must get this car to feel good’. As you make the change away from the external impulses and into the body, it’s usually a very confusing process for the mind and the emotional energy field to transition into. If not confusing all of the time, certainly at some times, because the motivations that you used to have outside yourself are now gone.

So, confusion is normal. Feeling a little bit half-asleep is normal, at times. The other piece that has come up for several people recently, and this is my understanding of that piece, is that people have talked a lot about physical symptoms and feeling things in their body that feel very different to how things were before.

And if you look into the science, the solar flares and the rapid changing of our cellular memory and bodies is now happening at such speed that so many of us no longer quite know who we are and where we are. But on a physical level, there is a greater sensitivity around our bodies.

So, yes, for those of you who are concerned about physical things or you feel there might be something actually wrong physically, and you want to go and get it checked by a doctor or an alternative practitioner, it’s really good to do that. There is no need to suffer through your anxiety around something in your body.

But, the other side of it is, as we’re becoming more sensitive energetically and as we’re working with our bodies more (I know that more of us generally are more aware of the food that we’re eating and what not to eat and also keeping a regularity around exercise and being out in nature) you begin to re-sensitize the desensitized body.

So what starts to happen is you can actually feel things inside your body that you previously couldn’t feel.

So if you’re panicking about a stomach pang that you’re feeling, there is a difference between a pang and pain. So for example, if you have a stomach pang or pain that’s on-going for many, many days or weeks and it’s uncomfortable, then that’s the time to get it checked and looked at.

But if you feel a slight twinge, this is the body telling you that something’s a little off balance in the stomach and it gives you an opportunity to change either the foods that you’re intaking or alcohol or caffeine or whatever it is that might be causing the irritation.

We are becoming more attuned to this inner self that before we were taught to separate from and desensitize away from. So, to some degree, new body sensitivity is part of the process.

The other piece that seems very relevant at the moment, and I think a lot of this is to do with December the 21st - the focus on December the 21st, is this sense of apathy and confusion and what should I do now? This is self-mastery. This is where we are all being asked, what do we feel about being a human being?

What do you personally feel is your way of life, or your greatest experience or your greatest joys, and there is no answer to that other than the discovery. We can’t possibly know what our greatest experiences on Earth are unless we try them, which is why last month I focused on “Are You Living Yet?”

There is a great deal of fear in the collective. The television and the media are largely responsible for pumping that fear out to people. The agendas behind those groups, those in charge of the media and television, they have their own agendas which, in most cases as far as I can see, are very different to promoting life, well-being and empowerment on this planet. But, even those with those agendas are falling apart at the moment and losing their grip on the power that they used to have in the old paradigm.

So the thrilling and the scary part for us as people is we are going to be the creators of this new world. And the thrilling part of that is there are so many people birthing, and especially a lot of the younger people now, coming through with amazing ideas and coming through without the same egos that the rest of us born into other decades would have either come through with and/or been dealing with in our relationships, because that was the time that we were born into.

The scary side of that is we let go of giving our power away, which has been comfortable for all of us at some level in one way or another. So even if the only way that you gave your power away before was to have someone cook your meals, now you’re going to have to learn how to cook. And there is an inner shift that takes place in that experience, which is why I have said all along, be kind to yourself and recognize when you’re struggling or in something that’s very intense, because this process has a great deal of light in it and it has a rapid release of dark and shadow for all of us, because we’re in a world wide web.

So, ask yourself what would you like to see next year? What would you like to see more of in 2013? And if you focus on the feelings and well-being rather than external achievements you will rapidly start to bring greater synchronicities into your life to help you move towards creating those things.

Creation, laughter, loving one another, these are so important to all of us. They are highly, highly productive and alchemical energies that we as human beings share. And this is why a lot of our modern culture has tried to separate us from that. Even if you look at the way we live together, we used to live tribally, and now we live in separate boxes and often people don’t know their neighbors. That’s changing, thankfully, because the barriers and the walls between people are coming down, but it is a process and it moves through the body.

So, ask yourself, what do you think about life, what would you like to know about life? There are many, many great helps out there right now and I know that for some of you, I’m one of those helps. But we were trained to watch the TV screen, listen to the teacher, read the book and take all of it as gospel. And the truth is none of it is gospel.

It’s the gospel of yourself that you’re looking for; and it’s trusting that the gospel of you in yourself is going to be not just enough for this world, but exactly what this world needs. And there is a de-programming process that takes place for all of us as we move away from that external validation, external reciprocation. All of these ideas that we were fed which just slightly push us off center, and as we move into our new center there is a little rearrangement that can take place at times.

December, the month of December, is going to be quite magical at times - that is the message I keep getting.

You’re going to have some very, very magical experiences and you’re also going to have some undertow experiences, where it feels like you (and everyone) is being slightly dragged through the water. So, nothing particularly different to anything that’s happened this year, but the rapid nature of it will be at an all new level.

December 21st is an auspicious day and there is going to be a galactic alignment on that day and it’s going to be very powerful. So the more that you can quiet yourself down and give yourself contemplation time in the next 3-4 weeks, it’s going to be incredibly beneficial for you.

And where normally you would have a New Year resolution on January the 1st, and people harness the energy of that day to bring in a new affirmation, start to do this on the 19th and the 20th, start to tell yourself not just what you would like for your personal life, but think of the world. Because we are all connected more than ever before now and that’s going to be more and more apparent as we go through the next few years.

So, very nice to talk to you all this month.

It’s been 20 years of my awareness of 2012 and about 8 ½ years of working as a messenger in this field, for want of a better term. I’m not enjoying terms these days, and I’m finding terms and definition are harder and harder, which I’m sure some of you will relate to.

But it feels great that we are at this turning point month, so that so much of the distortion and fear can be released. But there is also going to be some ‘roll-up-our-sleeves-and-get-to-work’ in the next few years.

So this is also why it’s so important to know your balance and your energy levels, so that you can sustain rather than be knocked over - so many of us have learnt to do that really well now at this end of year, compared to the beginning of the year.

So if you’re still in that place of trying to balance more, know that you’ll get there - it just takes several months of going through these energies to strengthen the muscles.

For those of you who are new to my forecasts and want to know more detail about some of the symptoms mentioned here, go back through the year and look at some of the other forecasts in writing or in video form and you might find some help there.

So, lots of love everyone. I will look forward to seeing you next year and being of service again, and I hope you all have a great month.