
Monday 1 December 2014

December 2014 Energy Forecast - Clear, Open, Discern, Live, Love!

Click on the language for translation: Dutch French Japanese Polish

(Transcribed and edited from Lee's live Video message.)

Hi everyone and welcome to the December Energy Forecast.

For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook or on the blog page directly, I posted an update late last week about the energies of November; so some of you will want to check that out.

In it I covered certain symptoms that have been accompanying this recent intensity. Because November was very, very strong in energy and a lot of people were talking about things they were going through and looking for clarity as to what those things were and how to deal with them. So I dealt with some of that in the blog post, which you can click to find just here, but I will elaborate on a few of those points today.

Lots of you wrote in after last month's forecast asking me specifically about dreams. I mentioned how strong dreams are happening at this time and some of you who wrote in shared you were more than a little freaked out by the intensity of some of the dreams you're having.

There are a couple of things to say about that. A lot of people I have met who have intuitive gifts (or are beginning to have intuitive gifts) can get very fixed on the idea that if they have a negative dream, particularly if it's about the planet or about something in their life, they can then come out of that dream and start to panic it's going to manifest.

I've met loads of psychics and intuitives over the years. And of course as someone who uses that ability in my own work, I have fairly strong opinions about intuitive images that we receive; because all too often I meet intuitives and psychics who are convinced they’re 'right' about a vision that they’ve had. And all too often I have seen those time points and predictions not happen for those people.

So my truth and reality around a prediction or a vision is: it's very important to hold it there as a big possibility, but to always check every day, “Is this vision still true, am I still walking towards this destination?”

The reason I say this is there are a lot of people out there who are basing reasons that we should all be afraid on visions or intuitions.

Now, I'm all for all of us looking at areas like Fracking and going, “No that's ridiculous. That's going to poison our planet.” And signing the petition or going to the rallies that you feel compelled to in a stand against Fracking. 

But I believe that when a psychic or an intuitive person bases a negative vision they have had as the reason to spread more fear into the world or through the group, that can be dangerous for everybody. Because, right now we're dealing with very strong energies of fear that are rising in opposition to the light and the love that is growing in the consciousness of human beings on this planet. 

So this is what the dreams are often about. Clearing of fear.

It was explained to me many years ago in a channel, and it's something I've witnessed and seen to be true with people, that dreams can take the space for us of processing something in our life that we then don't need to go through in a heavier way here on 3-D Earth.

So for example, you could have a dream where you wake up and you’re like, “Oh my God. I was just terrified!” But you never know what that fear flush in your sleep state has done for you the next day in saving you having to play that out with somebody. 

So dreams are intense right now because things are faster and more multi-dimensional for all of us. 10 - 15 years ago none of us would have had this many stimuli coming at us, this many relationships coming at us, and so it completely changes the way that all of us are experiencing ourselves. And a lot of the time that's what we are dealing with at the moment.

I don't believe there's any destination for any human being. Even enlightenment, which we so often used to see as a destination, is not a destination. And if you meet people who claim to be enlightened or who seem to be enlightened to you, they're all very different. They have a shared peace maybe and a certain ability to love from their hearts in a way that you don't come across in most other people and that can become a defining energy of enlightenment. 

But the rest of it really is difference. We are all very different as people.

So our experience of awakening on Earth right now is being heightened and pushed and accelerated all of the time. There are cosmic energies at play here as well. If any of you are interested in investigating what's going on universally with the stars, with other planets, it's a really fascinating time as to what's cooking in the whole universe. 

So Earth and we as humans go through that same electricity pulse. And that's what I was speaking about in last week's blog.

We can get very, very easily electrified right now.  And I speak to you guys a lot about paying attention to the energies around you. When awakening and learning to live in a more open way, like anything, there are stages of growth that at one moment are very important and yet at a later moment, become unimportant and you no longer have to focus on them.

For example, when you first wake up, you might start to realize you can manifest things if you focus your intention. 

This might be a complete revelation to you if you never lived that way before. But after a while of doing that, you get to a new level in yourself around the way you feel about life and how connected it all feels that manifesting in that way is no longer: a) where you're at, or b) happening in quite the same way. 

And if you think of how we were trained as human beings, we were trained to be very linear. We were trained to follow the teacher, to listen to what the doctor said. None of this is wrong, if the doctor or the teacher is holding the right piece of information for you, but we weren’t really taught to discern for ourselves as to whether they were.

So in this new time where so many people are learning to discern for themselves there is also the fear of, “Oh my God, I haven't got the handrail any more. I’ve got to figure this out for myself.”

So what I notice with other people and what I've noticed in my own growth journey is: you’re usually oscillating between expansion and contraction. 

So you start to grow in an area, and then some fear or thought that used to hold you in an old place rises to the surface because it's going, “Hey I’m normally the one talking to you and leading you here!” And so then another part of you has to say, “Well you're now on the backseat. You're no longer in the driving seat. We're taking a new route.” 

So fear is very strong in many different ways. But what's really important to address at this time is where are you going in life, who are you around and how are those people making you feel.

This is why I’ve spent so many times speaking to you about boundaries. It’s really healthy to have a boundary to that which is bringing you down. It's healthy not just for you, but it's healthy for other people as well. There is a big difference, as I've said, between people that you're helping because they are really in distress and you feel compelled to help them, and people whose distress you feel hostage to, time and time again, and they're making no improvement despite your constant help.

The fear energy that is very strong on the planet at the moment makes things very electric. And if you are able to work with it, and recognize it exists and that it's happening, and find good strategies in yourself to overcome fear, and find an ability to graciously say to somebody, “You know, I'm going to go now because I'm tired and I need to go home.” when they are pummeling fear at you; this is the way that you start to find a new energy map in yourself, a new way of living.

And I think that's where there is a breakthrough for lots of people at the moment. There is no longer being hostage to the old. 

But there is a lot of, “Whoa, this is new and I don't know how to navigate this new territory.”And if you are at that point, there is a hell of a lot of openness on the planet right now. But to create new energy maps for yourself, it is going to require you jumping out the plane without the parachute a lot.

So if you find yourself, for example, invited to a party and you feel a fear in you, don't necessarily trust that it’s intuitive fear. Don't say, “No, it's that I don't need to go.” If you’re just tired that’s one thing. But if you're afraid, this is a great time to just push that edge and push through it and go to the party. You can always leave once you are there but if you don't go, you'll never know.

It's really important for those of you that are feeling generally more open than ever before to recognize that fear for you will be an ally right now. It will be the indicator that you're about to step into something that is different for you.

For those of you who are feeling a little dragged under the ocean, you need to strategize ways to create space, peace and better vibrations for yourself. This can be as simple as 5/10 minute periods in your day where you sit quietly, dance to music you love in your house, call a friend who you always enjoy talking to.

It’s always interesting to me when I speak to you guys in this format because I'm speaking to many thousands of you at once and trying to cover all the bases, but I will reiterate something I've said in the last few months that is very palpable in the air right now; these are really open times. In the last few months things have started to open up. But if you think about the power that is sometimes needed for opening, there is electricity that is driving that.  

So to be with that openness, just allow yourself to realize: 

  • You don't know who you are anymore, 
  • You don't recognize this planet very much anymore, 
  • You’re going to do things in very different ways to how you did them before - regardless of how other people might like or not like that.

If these are your watchwords, you’re going to be in a good place to really start to move forward in your life.

A lot of this electricity focuses on the dissolving or destruction of old things so that the new can appear. 

So if you are somebody who right now is overwhelmed by that energy in your life, create something new. Once a day, write a paragraph for yourself that is there to support you in your life. Write a dream for the next week. 

And if you are somebody who is very free-spirited and open right now and ready to just go into the wonder of it all, notice your emotional reactions to those people who can't join you in openness. There will be a lot of people who can't. Sometimes you'll be a leader for that and the open presence in the room. 

So don't necessarily shy away from people where you don't feel you're 100% met by them; because a lot of the time we are creating that energy together. 

Think of the open person you met that day in the store, who made you feel more open with the way they led with a smile and with their openness. 

So sometimes that's what you're doing - being a leader of openness, in a way that feels effortless. And other times you meet those people where you just go, “Oh my God. We’re just flying together!” And that is very healing and it re-grounds the body as to what's possible for us as human beings.

And that's very much the paradigm we’re in right now - the new human experience.

So I hope you all have a great December.

I will be back with a proper forecast in February, but in January, as we do every year, there will be a video edited by Oribel Divine; which will be something a little different this year, so I hope you enjoy it.

And if you are wanting to come to any of my live events, I'm thrilled to say I'm in New York on December 6 - details here - and I'm in Norway in January for a wonderful coming together, an evening called “Winter Light” and you can find that here.

Last but not least, this month I released my pop album, “Arise”. It's a different way to feel and heal and it's a lot of fun, and people are really enjoying it. So if you wanted to hear that or purchase then you can click this link here.

So, lots of love everybody. Have a good month and Happy Holidays.

Thursday 20 November 2014

November 21st 2014 Energy Update: 'Electrifed Living - Peace lies in the deep of the ocean'

Click on the language for translation: French Japanese Polish

This past 2 weeks, the energy has seen a lot of us deep-diving. 
Diving down into the depths of ourselves - our feelings, our thoughts, our beliefs, our patterns, our life journey. 
Soul diving.

It's as if an electric current is pulsing through your body, wiring and firing you to awaken, awaken, awaken. 
More and more and more.  
To shed and cleanse, to release and intend.
Peace comes, clarity comes, followed by challenge, distraction, emotion, disorientation, restlessness. 
A feeling that things must be going wrong, or need to be changed and quickly.
Yet you do not have the energy to make the changes in the timescale you feel you need to. 

This is electricity, moving through your energy field and the field of the collective.
This is the electrified living of these times, bringing us all to clearing.

It can be relentless - it can make you mad, bring you to sadness, and then, it can elevate you into a moment of blinding clarity. 
And yet the waves of inner-change keep coming, sometimes fuelled by outer impulses. 
Difficult or fear-based dreams are happening to clear us also.

And as you dive deeper into them, you feel it all more than ever before. 
You see what the thoughts in you are as they rise more than you could ever see your thoughts before.

You allow the chaos of all this experience to rise in you, for you have no choice. 
You learn this quickly.
For if you try to control or fight it, things just feel harder and more 'against' you. 
So you surrender. It is the only choice.
And it leaves you at the bottom of your ocean.

And then you realise that the bottom of the ocean, where you now find yourself, is not in-fact, to be feared. 
Not at all.
It IS a different world than the one you knew, yes, but it is one you can be safe in and find new space in. 
Once you adjust and realise that the seeming chaos and speed is part of the deal.

It comes from the impulse of electricity driving us all right now. 
It presents a choice to feel everything and allow the chaos, yet find your direction within that in each and every fast changing moment.

As a world we are in a force of change that asks you to flow with it. 
As an individual you are in a force of change that asks you to find rebirth within it and the loss of old identity.

This takes courage, and faith that you will be safe without your old ways.

Can you be ready to stop seeing yourself as 'blocked', 'resistant', not yet 'there'. 
To let go of these old ideas, aims and ways of pushing yourself to grow?
And instead accept that wherever you find yourself today, it needs NO judgement for judgement will only make you feel worse. MUCH worse, and perhaps that is the spiral you are used to. 
A downward one.

Can you accept that where you find yourself today only requires great compassion, from you, towards you. 
Today needs you to be as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend who was struggling. 

So take your foot off the accelerator. Stop buying into the stress, the speed or the depression of others as anything you need to swallow whole and thus also become in yourself.  

We absorb each others energy all the time, so pay attention to who you are around and whether their energy would be nutritious or toxic to you today.
Be mindful of the company you keep, but do not judge them for where they are.
You can bear compassionate witness for where they are. Yes. 

And Empaths, you don't need to feel or fear the size of their electrical releases.
You have your own to deal with, so observe and leave anything that feels too big for you to handle.
Breathe and say 'I am safe in my centre'. 'I release that which is not mine'.

And know we are ALL in this together, navigating a time we have never seen like this on Earth.
An intensity we have not yet been through.

And right now, these pulses are electrifying all of us to keep on rising, keep on clearing and integrating in our bodies and our souls, all we have been learning over the past years. 

Sometimes it's a messy act, this thing of being human. 
Spirit knows this, and loves you anyway. 
Can you love yourself that much, despite how you are feeling? 
Can you let the layers of human judgment and suppression we have all absorbed and identified with, fall away. Even if it looks and feels messy?

Because THERE lies the key. 
Loving yourself through these rapid releases. Even the ones that are disorientating you the most.

There lies the peace that we can all learn to find at the bottom of the ocean.
For once we accept how different it seems, we start to realise how safe and connected it all is.

You are very loved.
Never forget that and you will never forget to love.
And then, love will be the fuel that keeps you warm in the world. 
Just as you will keep its flame alive wherever you go.

Much love everyone

Friday 31 October 2014

November 2014 Energy Forecast - Multiplying Love and Shifting from Density to Light

Click on the language for translation: Dutch Japanese French Hungarian Polish

(Transcribed and edited from Lee's live Video message.)

Hi everybody and welcome to the November 2014 Energy Forecast.

It's a beautiful morning here in Colorado; a little chilly but very sunny and golden leaves everywhere.

It's been a very interesting month. As usual, 'interesting' is my default word that encapsulates so much.

Just a couple of days ago I did a pre-recorded interview for a radio show with Rob Gauthier. At the end of the radio show he asked me, “Why do you think so many people have been going through such a hard time the last couple of years and this year?”  He said that so many people he knows or works with are struggling. 

I think in a way that 'struggle' is a repetitive theme every time I deliver these forecasts and yet trying to do a video message in a format like this is a little tricky in that we're all in different places.

So to the best of my ability I try and encapsulate the range of our experiences. But I do notice from feedback that I get through the month or from people that I work with, that there are incredibly varying levels and experiences for everybody at this point in time. And this is a truth that really goes right back to the idea of the journey of human ascension and the changing consciousness on our planet.

I still think there is a hangover from the year 2012.  Many people (and this is what I said to Rob) were hoping for a big overnight change in 2012 or 2013, and that overnight change hasn't happened outside them. So those people are still in a shock, grief or mourning hangover from that time and struggling to come to terms with what they are seeing reflected in the outer world that they find difficult. So that has to be taken into account.

But as I said at the beginning of the October forecast, there is also a great opening beginning to re-occur on the planet now. 

We've come out of that period of a couple of years where, if you like, the heart of the shift was occurring in our consciousness and our inner landscapes. 

And now we are in the opening times, where in the coming decade and beyond, we each have not only opportunity but perhaps a duty to change things on the planet.

Change does begin within. 

And what's interesting to me are the arguments I will see happening among people about this. I say this about the groups who might label themselves spiritual people or light workers. These labels that we apply can be useful but not if they are used as divisive forces. Labels ultimately don't mean anything because essentially we are all human beings in this together. But these are labels that people apply to themselves or that might get attributed to a certain group, and it's always interesting to me to see the infighting that is going on in these groups and the anger that people are having at each other about why things aren’t changing.

Yet if you really stop and think about it, the most inspiring change makers that you know; whether that is the lady who lives on your street who is always bringing the street together to create some solidarity and group spirit, or whether it's Oprah Winfrey that you're watching on the television who is doing her thing in her way. Those people carry on bringing change with a certain energy of positivity and more importantly, a certain energy of life. They don't do it with anger or judgment. They do it with life and faith in the future and each other.

And I feel that our personal responsibility as human beings in this very odd time that we’re living in is to, in some ways, not worry too much about linear time right now. 

There is this huge time pressure that so many people have. There are all of these emails going round about the environment and the government talking about urgency, and while they may be important for us to look at and respond to, the sense of alarm around time won't help any of us. I mentioned the emails few months ago, and a lot of people are using this idea of time pressure to get themselves really het up. And when you get het up, you aren't going to bring a very peaceful or life-giving vibration to what you're focusing on.

I recently read an interview with a singer-songwriter and she said she carries round a book about medieval times with her because it reminds her that no matter how bad things might look now, things were a lot worse then. And she mentioned the things that people would do to each other then on a daily basis. 

I, like all of you watching or reading this, don't enjoy seeing the suffering, the destruction and the war in the world. It's something that I have to continually come to terms with in order to live here. But at the same time, I don't believe that we are doomed in the future if we, all of us, decide to play our part in making the change that we are here to bring.

We don't know how long life on Planet Earth will go, but we do know that while we are here, we can be the best custodians and stewards that we can be of bringing that change.

So this brings me back to you.

How are you dealing with your dreams and desires right now? And how are you learning from everything in your life that you might be finding difficult?

Because we do have a responsibility to 
A) Learn who we are
B) Figure out what we need in order to thrive in our lives. 

We are all different. Some of us are more sensitive than others. But once you start to understand who you are and how you are reacting to outside factors in your life, you can begin to make changes that are going to allow you to bring your best to every day. 

Within all of that, of course as I always say, if you are struggling on a certain day just take it easy. Have a day of rest. The world isn’t going to go anywhere while you recover your energy. And when you've recovered, you can come back out into the world and be ready to play and absorb and give.

So the exercise that was given on this radio show came through Zachary, as a channel at the end of the show. And it was basically just a very quick 'reset' exercise to get rid of any density you may be carrying or feeling; because there is a lot of density right now. People are in fear and you can feel that.  

As you walk out into the the street, you will be affected by the energy of everybody around you. We are an ocean of energy as a collective. And in the same way I have explained that there are cold patches and warm patches in the ocean, you can have the same reaction as you walk through the energy fields of others and you can take it on and become it in your own life. 

This is why it's wonderful to be around heart-open, positive people - it's infectious. Equally, it can be depressing and depleting to be around negative or downward pulling people.

But not if you look after your own energy boundaries and awareness.

So, the exercise that was given was to imagine yourself as a pyramid; and to imagine the top of your pyramid as reaching about one meter (or 100 centimeters) above your head. And then to see the pyramid going down either side of your body reaching approximately 70 centimeters distance either side of your hips.

Now close your eyes, and imagine an incredible ball of light, a hundred centimeters above your head (at the top of your pyramid). That’s the light of the universe that you're connecting to. Now just imagine and feel that light for a moment, and see if you can invite the light down through your head to your heart; as low down into your body as you can take it. Let it start to slowly travel down toward and into you.

Then, when you've done that visualization for some seconds, start to gently stamp your feet; right then left. And you can do this exercise either sitting down or standing, so just gently start to stamp your feet. 

And as you stamp, what you're doing is your stamping out all the density in your base and the base of your pyramid, that you have absorbed from the rest of the world that day, or from whatever it is that has come up in your own personal energy field for clearing. 

And then, after 20-30 seconds, you can stop your feet and go back to visualizing the light. Imagine the light, a meter above your head, and this time you should find it's a little stronger. It should be a little brighter. You should feel it more and you should be able to bring it down lower into your body.  

Then again, after you've done this for little while, you stamp again - right, left, right, left.  

It’s very simple and actually quite therapeutic to do it. And you repeat this 'light then feet' process a third and final time. Imagine the light. And most of you should find that the light is now bigger and it's something that you can connect into you in a deeper way.

For some of you this exercise maybe a little metaphysical, for some of you will be right up your street, but the reason to do it is there is an enormous amount of light flooding the planet at the moment. So in the human collective, what's happening because of that is the release of density and darkness coming up for and out of people.

So this is an exercise for you to shift from density to light. It's short and simple and will help you reconnect yourself with your own light on this planet and your own connection to universal source energy.

That's what we doing here as human beings. Shifting from density into light every single day.

I think there are so many different ideas of how we should be. And again, I see arguments in the spiritual community about “you should be this” or “you should be that” and none of that's true unfortunately. 

No person can tell another person how to be. 
What we have to do is master who we are here to be on the planet and what we are here to show up and give.
And to trust that through that, your unique path, you are perfectly playing your part in this universe.

So of course (as I've said in all the recent months), there will be symptoms going on for you through this ascension process, such as;

  • Strong 'release' dreams. Some of you will be processing very dark dreams - this is density coming out of your system that you're choosing to do through sleep rather than waking life. 
  • Conflict energies - internal and external. This will also be an area to master the more you ascend in yourself. You may be releasing inner conflicts - judgments and confusion about or toward yourself. There may be people around you that you're having conflict with, and your mastery is to learn to not engage in the conflict with them, but to gracefully disengage to the best of your ability. If you do find yourself having an argument with somebody or you look back on yourself shouting at somebody in a moment, know that this can also sometimes be necessary catalyst. It may be something you would rather not repeat in the future, but perhaps for that day, that was the very thing that you and this person needed to happen to change the energy between you; because the energy is changing for all of us every single day.
  • Embracing/Resisting Change. In your external world, you will either be right now resisting creating change (or feeling the resistance to oncoming change), or you will be embracing it, flying with it, loving it and feeling very, very alive. Both are different parts of an experience so don't judge your resistance but remind yourself that stepping through resistance is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Be bold.

So within all of this, remember this light that’s here on Earth for and with all of us. Some of you will reach the light through praying, some of you will reach it through yoga, some of you will reach it through singing. Many different ways to access light.

But we can also just literally close our eyes, take a moment and reconnect to what is here inside us or do a simple exercise like the one I gave.

Our 'job' as humans on the planet at this time is to the best of our ability bring in more consciousness and light, and bring more compassion and positive change to a very varied world.

I'm very heartened by what I am seeing happening in the world around the changes that we need. And I have been grateful that I've been able to come to the other side of being heartened by seeing how people in the world are working to try and change all of those areas that are threatening the life of the planet, but even more so, working to raise the peace of the planet and the consciousness level of the planet.

So I invite you to take a moment to just consider for yourself what is it you need more of this month to access your part in our tapestry?
Because it starts with you so you knowing and walking toward what you need is very important. 

Being selfish or self-centered is the criticism that will often be leveled at you by people who don't understand truly what the nature of self-love and self-care is. When we practise self-love and self-care at higher levels than we have ever been taught by society, we naturally want to care for others more. We naturally want to love and share more, because love is a shared energy. It is not an exclusive energy and it’s far more interesting and enjoyable when you share it and watch it grow and multiply.

I hope you can take a moment after this video to do the exercise and to also perhaps think for yourself what do I need a little more of this month? 

And if you're particularly challenged by doing that or you feel selfish in asking yourself that question, it would be great for you especially to write a few things down; because when things remain in our head, they can be very etheric. 
When we write them down on paper, we bring them out of the body but we can also see them reflected to us afterwards.

So, I wish you all lots of love for this month. 

Thank you to those of you who donate. It supports everything that the team and I here do, and if you wish to make a donation to the forecasts, we will put a button here and those of you just send your support and love, that's a donation too, so thank you.
 (If you wish to donate from the transcribed forecast, there is a Donate button at the top right of the blog page.)

And I'm super happy to announce that I'm going to be in New York. It will be my first live event in New York since 2008!
I will be there December the 6th, Saturday afternoon and the event is called “Energy Speaks  - An afternoon with Lee and Friends.” 

I will be joined by Natalia Rose and Dana Weekley, who are both part of my latest book, and I will be taking lots of audience Q + A. There are 100 seats for that event and it is online available to book now. Check it out here.

**Link to Radio Show Lee speaks about, broadcasting 11/27/2014 -!eeneeh/c1ere

Wednesday 1 October 2014

October 2014 Energy Forecast - The Great Re-Opening and How Destiny Lives in the Details

(Transcribed and edited from Lee's live Video message.)

Click on the language for translation: French  Japanese Dutch Hungarian Polish

Hello and welcome to the October 2014 Energy Forecast.

Good to see you all again as we go into a very different season on Earth, and going into a different season on Earth is true in more ways than one.

Every month I do a live Q + A broadcast. This is open to members of the public but it's also offered to all members of The Portal. In the first half I answer questions on energetics submitted by Portal members and offer tips, and in second half I answer questions, in channel mode. So I channel The Z’s and they answer questions that people submit.

This past month in September, a very interesting message came through in the first few minutes before any questions were answered by The Z’s. They explained that in the last few years, to some degree, certain guides and higher energetics and channels, have stepped back a little from the planet while we went through an integration period.

The point they made was that over the last two years, we on Earth have been trying to catch up with the high doses of energy that were coming into the planet prior to 2012.  And so post-2012 to now, life has felt very stasis in ways for many of us as human beings, compared to those years leading up to 2012.

What they explained was that this integration period is just about to finish, and everything is about to open up again energetically. They also said that we as a result will experience even more guidance, energetic and angelic support than we have had in the last couple of years. This begins now.

This is going to be felt in a very close way. 

For the very sentient among you, (those of you who directly perceive and feel the unseen), you will experience that very literally. You will feel that there is more light available for you to connect with than there has been. So this is a great time to focus on manifestation and higher communication.

And those of you who perhaps don't necessarily experience the sentience I'm talking about in a literal way, you will notice that provided you stick to certain guidelines for your life, things will flow and move for you in an easier way in the coming year or so than they have in the past two.

Now, what are those guidelines for your life? 

One is:

If it isn't flowing, stop and wait. Wait for something else to emerge. Or just temporarily step back. Give it either time and patience, or perhaps through stepping back you’ll look at what you are trying to create and you’ll realize you need something different.

Your stepping back will make you see (for example): "Ah, yes. I wanted to move to Broadway, but the reason it's not working is because I'm not actually supposed to move there. The benefit of time has shown me that aiming there for a while helped uproot me from where I'm living; got me used to the idea of moving over there, and now that I'm ready to move, suddenly from left field this other place has come in and I can go there instead."

We can get very linear and literal in our human mind because that's the way that we've been conditioned. 

So, I often find I am answering questions for people at live events or online around their visions; and why they had a vision several months ago and why did it not play out exactly as the vision told them to?

Well the truth is: our destiny changes every single day. So there is a destiny path for all of us, but the details around that destiny are quite non-specific, if you like.

So your destiny on Earth in your lifetime might be to experience great love in human relationships because that's something that your soul has never experienced before. Or it might be to put your voice into the world because that will be an expansive experience for you and others. But, for example, there are many different ways you can do that. You might put your voice into the world by being an author; you might put your voice into the world by being somebody who just speaks the truth to every single person that you meet at a really high level.

So you see, the details of our destiny can change and reform. 
And we are very detail-focused in our human mind and we are very linear about the way we live our lives. But herein lies the issue that we are currently experiencing: we are multidimensional and we are at a time when multidimensionality is coming back to us as human beings at a mass level. 

There have always been incredible pioneers throughout history and throughout time who have held great levels of light, great levels of multidimensionality. But we’re at a tipping point now where, as a mass, this multidimensionality is starting to affect all of us and infuse our way of being.

So for example, those of you who are stressed right now about all the different plates you have spinning in your life. Many of you go, “I wish I didn't have so many plates spinning.” But it's not the plates that are spinning that are the problem. It's your relationship to them.

I see this as a truth for myself all the time. I constantly have to adjust to my new environment, my new experiences. And the freer I can become around letting go of what I thought was true two months ago or three months ago, the easier a time I have.

So this way of being is essentially becoming less-linear about everything and a little more multidimensional and a little more sensory-based. The two are the same thing. Multidimensional people tend to go with their feeling more than their mind. 

So there will be many of you who've had those awkward conversations with your friends where you say, “Yes, I'm going to Peru because I have a gut instinct.” And some of your friends might be judging you about it - they might not like your choice, because to them you’re operating completely outside the realms of their understanding. 

But trust yourself and don't worry about what others think.

More and more people are living this way now. So this happening at bigger mass levels creates a forward surge in all of us, that is grounding that energy as a collective. 

Some of the challenges within living this way can sometimes be that you feel like you have so many plates spinning, or you feel like you have a million thoughts going on on any given day.

You see, the monkey mind (the constant chatter we can have when off-center) becomes multidimensional as well. It comes with you, until you get used to letting it go, either through meditation or other methods that develop an inner calm and an ability to return to center.

Awakening is often greatly prized in people's minds. But it's not always an easy path the more you awaken. I think this is one of the great myths on our planet. There is an idea that awakening into greater spirit, awakening into greater consciousness, is just 'unicorns and rainbows'. And those of you who've been through or are going through it, we all know that actually you start to feel so many more things that you perhaps were never feeling before. 

So some of the keys to watch out for in your life are:

  • If it isn't flowing, stop and wait. Wait for something else to emerge. Or just temporarily step back. Give it either time and patience, or perhaps through stepping back you’ll look at what you are trying to create and you’ll realize you need something different.
  • If you're feeling like everything is spinning too fast, go slower; because everything outside you is spinning in relationship to you and if you withdraw your energy from it, it will stop spinning. If you step back, it will stop spinning and you can reconsider whether or not to rejoin that piece of your life.
  • Watch out for mental desperation/desperate thoughts as solutions to your difficult feeling. Are you somebody who is finding yourself currently saying, “I'm so unhappy and if I just had more money it would be solved, or if I just had that job, or if I just went to live over there instead of here…” It’s not going to be solved in that way. What you have to catch in those moments is this strong emotional density that you're feeling and focus on that, rather than your desired external solution. 

If it's a density that you are not liking and are placing your faith in solving through some outside circumstance, know that it may not come true. The change in circumstance might NOT take away the emotion. But a change in emotion can change the outer circumstance. So deal with your inner world to change the outer. Deal with the “ARRGH!” inside you, because that feeling isn't going to go away.
And we as a society are often capped in our anger.

I see this a lot with people who are out there in the world wanting to make change. It's a very difficult argument right now; because the new age is often accused of being people sticking their head in the sand. You constantly see people out there saying, “Well, if you just focus on love and light and your own energy, you're completely missing what's going on with all the problems in the world, and you're not creating change.”

My experience and witnessing of energy is that the opposite is actually true. The more compassionate you become in yourself and the more you can ground your openness in the world, the more you want to make changes wherever you go. And it is a natural occurrence that begins within and emanates outward.

But none of us can deal with bringing change to every area of the whole world, for we are individuals. So if we as individuals step towards the areas that we feel we can bring change to, and we constantly check our own sense of energetic balance within our doing of that, then the energy we're offering to an outside element (another person, group or organization) is one of balance.

You see this a lot with the anger that activists will throw at both the very thing they're trying to change and also the people they are trying to encourage to be an activist with them. If you are somebody who is turned on by somebody’s anger about a cause they’re trying to get you behind, then you're in the same dissonance energy that they are, and you’re running the same sense of dis-empowerment and fear; because anger has dis-empowerment and fear in it as an energy.

So that's not me saying that you are un-entitled to feel those feelings. 
But what I'm asking you to consider, is to observe the feelings that you're having and their density. As they will have an effect on your life circumstances. 

The broader perspective that we now have on Earth - all of these free YouTube videos, all of this information that’s out there - it's beautiful, but it can be misleading if you don't discern what's true for you and what isn't. It can be a rabbit hole. There are people out there proclaiming their way of being as “THE way”. And these things are tricky, because there is no “THE way” unless you find something that really works for you. 

You’re going to constantly try on experiences and pieces of information in life that give you light bulb moments; that bring you into more clarity of feeling. 

That's multidimensionality at work, and yet, we forget that we are multidimensional on Earth. That's what's changing for all of us now.

In the old world, we were taught to go into our lives as a multidimensional external force - you have a relationship with this person, you have a job with this person, you love going over here, but it was all externalized. It was, “I feel things in here in tandem to these people and engagement points I am focusing on.”

Now, it's happening within you first. That is the opportunity. Create from the inner world first.

So this is why many of you will feel a bit bored; because you step back from everybody, because no one is making sense. Again, this phase will pass. You're first encountering your inner multidimensional senses and when you're more used to them, you will go back out to those people and have a very different experience of the same people and the same places.

So be as patient with yourselves as you can. This isn't an easy process for any of us to go through. But it’s also filled with a lot of light at the moment and particularly in the coming months. 

So even as you see certain darker energies raising their heads and going through the battles that they’re going through around you, you will notice that if you keep focusing on a higher perspective in yourself and a higher perspective of the way that you're working in the world, you will constantly upshift into more experiences of flow.

Then, rather than life being hard or difficult for you, you will be able to appreciate the things that you have and not try and run out into the chaos and become a part of the chaos.

Chaos is very seductive. It seems like it's something to do, an activity to engage with, and the tribal impulse in us is to join the tribe. 

But as I've said for many months now in a row, joining the tribe is not going to be what most of you want to do; because you're slightly on the edge of a large growing mass of people who are learning to live and feel in a different way and that takes time.

So sending you lots of love for this coming month and I just want to say a huge thank you to those of you who donated last month for these forecasts. It does take time, money and energy for us to put these together and to release them. So your support on that level and also the lovely messages that you send, it makes a huge difference to us, this small team here, who are doing these. So thank you! 

If you wish to donate, we will put the button for donations just here and thank you very much. (If you wish to donate from the transcribed forecast, there is a Donate button at the top right of the blog page.)

And finally, I'm thrilled to have my second book coming out this month - October 1st - Energy Speaks - Volume 2. It's full of channeled information on transformation in our rapidly changing world and we will put a link to that on the next screen. 
(For a link to the book from the transcribed forecast, click HERE.)

So thank you everybody.

See you all next month.

Lots of love.

Friday 26 September 2014

'September Speed Pulses' paving the way for a vast energy of OPENING in October

For Japanese Translation click here

Energy Update from Lee - September 25th 2014:

Hi Everyone,

I recorded the October Energy forecast earlier this week (given I am traveling again). It will be released next week, but in the forecast, I mention an upcoming rapid 'energy-opening' time for all of us on Earth. And this can be preceded by pulses or 'triggers' in your energy and physical body.

This forecast 'Opening' comes after what has felt (for many) like 2 years of a 'slow down' energetically. In extreme cases, this slow-down would leave you feeling compressed, trapped or clamped in your life, feelings or physicality.

In others, it would simply help you make more elevated choices over longer periods of time, rather than quick decisions that then needed to be changed or let go of just as quickly. This could manifest as a feeling of boredom or detachment before allowing this new speed to feel more spacious, and calm.

This opening energy is already with us, but will get very noticeable from October onwards. Alongside that, a lot more energetic support and guidance from the higher realms will be closely with us in the next 2 years or so. This info came through the Z's when I was channeling them for last weeks Portal broadcast. They always give a 'state of the world' talk in their opening minutes before answering people's questions. They explained how certain higher energies, beings and guides had stepped back a little in the past couple of years, while the density was traversed by humanity. So we needed space, but that now, and for the next few years, the support of light would be coming back to the planet in a big and close way.

So in preparation for next weeks forecast and the full info, I wanted to pass this 'bridge' along to you now.
Reason being, right before this opening energy hits you, many of you will feel difficult or tight symptoms. Some physical, but many of them energetic or emotional in nature. You may notice that emotional triggers are happening thick and fast for you, so you can notice and release emotional debris that won't be coming with you in the coming years. You may be stopped from physically stepping forward as you normally would, so that you get really sure about what you are doing and where you are going.

Higher options will be available to all of us now and soon, and the 'waiting game' is to allow higher patience to meet your old ways of being.

Fear will of course be an occasional challenge factor - the light loves to get lighter and so fear and darkness (same thing) can tighten when the light grows. You can see this happening in world events right now, but you can also see an uprising for peace and for love to be the currency of our day and future world.

Hold yourself close right now, with as much love and gentleness as you can.
If you're tired, rest.
If you want to open, open and see how things flow.
If you're triggered, know that 'this too shall pass' and an opening is on it's way because of the triggers, so be kind to yourself.
If you're excited and feeling alive, do a little dance. Why? Happiness is contagious and it loves to be witnessed and to grow.

Above all else, stay aware; of you, your surroundings and the new energy dance now happening on the planet. Find a good space in which to dance among the crowd.

Full forecast out next week!

Big love

Re-visit the September Forecast HERE